Drink Drank Drunk
Relax We're All Crazy...
Buy Me Chickens & Tell Me You hate the Gov't
Blame The Champagne
Mascara Leggings Leopard Done Shirt - Heather Teal
Tanned & Tipsy
Try that in a Small Town - natural
Inhale the Good Sh!t
I Run Late Everyday - heather peach
I'm Fat but I Identify as Skinny - neon pink
It's all a Mess
Today I will be a Freaking Ray of Sunshine - Maize Yellow
Drop the F-Bomb Kind of Mom
If Swearing Burned Calories - black
Do No Harm Take No Bull
I'm a Better Person when I'm Tan
Winter Sucks it's cold AF
Hold My Beer
Ew People...
Expensive & Difficult - heather peach
MARGS - white
If you can't say anything nice, come sit by me
Manifest that Sh!t - Heather Dusty Blue