Soul Full of Sunshine - CC Island Reef
Tequila, LIme & Sunshine - Yellow
Forever Chasing Sunsets NEW - CC white
Wild Summer - Marmalade
Margs Trucker Hat
Easy Tiger - natural
Sun Salt Sand - CC white
And This is Why I wanted to Stay Home...
Tough Old Bird - sand
Fluent in Fowl Language - black
Be Happy It Drives People Crazy - heather radiant orchid
Stay Salty Cowgirl - comfort colors
From the Bottom of my Heart - ash
Brunch O’clock - white
MARGS - white
We Listen & We Don't Judge 🤣
Please Be Patient I'm from the 1900s - natural
She's Beauty and Grace - dark gray heather
Probably Hungry, likely tired, always cold Sweatshirt
I don't Rise & Shine, I Caffeinate and hope for the Best!
Tattoos are Trashy
Sarcasm it's how I hug - heather indigo
Cool it Cowboy - natural